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Binary Quest is an exploration of narrative game design, subversion and on-off switches. If a choose your own adventure game would only let you say yes/no, what would it look like? And what would it be like if a generic fantasy town was invaded by a troll who loves cake?
Radio Bubbles (plural) is a slow social media network that consist of Radio
Bubble (singular) desktop pets which let you name a radio station and send out 1
message per day. All while living on your desktop.
Featured in
EIII-Zine #2,
Indie Game+.
A research paper that explorers the possibility space and types of movement found in video, but not only, games. Born out of love towards the visceral feeling of control and Tim Roger's Sticky Friction.
The mediums we choose to use carry baggage of how our art will be experienced. I am tired of desires and demands of creating shinier things that do not consider the hardware accessibility. I am tired of attending an IT university. I am NOT tired of 5€ headphones.
An exercise in elegant game design that accidentally turned into the biggest project I ever worked on. The thrilling essence of a boss fight, encapsulated in a game played with only one button.
An exploration, research and prototyping of
games that do not want to be played , that lie, that cheat, that
make you cry.
Hopefully writing the paper will not make us cry.
An attempt at creating a skategame that is not about skating. Freeform movement with alternative controls, a "timebaking" meta game and a hate letter towards walls in video games.